Chapter 2 "Using The Scientific Method" Questions and Answers For class 12 (2nd Year)

 Intermediate F.Sc F.A ICS English XII Short Questions Using the Scientific Method.  Chapter 2 "Using The Scientific Method" fsc Questions and answers using the scientific method 2nd year summary using the scientific method by darrel barnard using the scientific method question answer

Using The Scientific Method

Darrel Barnard

Chapter 2



Questions and Answers


Q: How has the scientific method helped us in our fight against disease?

Ans: About two hundred years ago, you would have had about one chance in eight of living to be one-year old so, you had been unusually strong title fellow and had lived through that first year Before six years old, you would have had small pot and before the age of twelve, you would have had measles, whooping cough is scarlet fever and diphtheria etc. if person who lived to be more than thirty years of age was indeed fortunate. Today babies are born on hospitals and are treated to protect then again small pox, diphtheria etc. Today a person can expect to live to be almost seventy years old with the help of scientific method.

Q: Write a note of sanitary conditions available in our cities today and compare them with what they are like a hundred years ago?

Ans: It is difficult to imagine what sanitary conditions in our cities were like before hundred years ago. Into the narrow. Unpaved and poorly drained streets where household garbage was thrown Animals wandered through streets. Outdoor toilets were common and situated where human wastes drained into wells for drinking water. Today, our city streets are paved and well drained. It is against the law to throw garbage in streets. Sewage is carried through sealed pipes to disposal plants. Most governments have sections of sanitation. 

Q: What are the sanitary conditions like in our villages today and how would you improve them?

Ans: Unfortunately, the sanitary conditions like in our villages today are not so good, Streets are narrow, unpaved and poorly drained whore household garbage is thrown, Animals wanders through the streets, feeding upon the garbage outdoor toilets are common and situated where human wastes drain into wells. We can improve them by making people aware about the harms of this environment Government must pay need towards the development projects in villages there should be a proper sanitation system.

Q: How has the scientific method helped us in the production and presentation of foods?

Ans: Through the use of science we have seared that it is healthful to many kinds of food and we have learned how to provide ourselves with a variety of foods throughout the year. People who lived a century ago not enjoyed eating as much as we today, but they could not have too much food. Most of foods had to be produced on their own forms or in their own gardens thrifty housewives by using scientific method preserved home grain vegetables and fruits by coming, plucking or drying them. Meats were preserved by salting and drying or freezing by quick-freeze method, vegetables, fruits, sea foods and meats of various kinds can be preserved.

Q: We are now generally less fearful than our ancestors what were our ancestors afraid of?

Ans: Our ancestors believed in superstitions. They thought that charm well prevent them from having bad luck and will feel uncomfortable without it. They believe in signs of good or bad luck and their lives are greatly influenced by such signs. Few people believe that diseases are caused by evil spirits. Though astrology and fortune felling are still practiced. It has been learned that there is a good natural reason for everything that happens to people. As a result, most people no longer fear black cats broken mirrors and the number.

Q: How has the scientific method enabled us to get over the old fears.

Ans: Superstitions beliefs are being overcome by using the scientific method to demonstrate that there is no sound basis for them. Few people today believe that diseases are caused by evil spirits. Through astrology and fortune telling and still practiced they do not influence the lives of as many people as they once did. It has been learned that there is always a good natural reason for everything that happens to people. As a result, most people no longer fear black cats, broken mirrors and the number.

Q: What part did astrology play in the lives of men and women in the past? Give examples.

Ans: Astrology is the knowledge of stars. In the past, people believed that the movements of stars affected their lives. Astrologers predicted the coming events. In short, astrology is personal. It balances strong and weak points and shows a way out. Nowadays few situations make me personally important, such as at mosque, at the tax office, and at airline counters. On the other hand, astrology cannot take any burden off me, or abolish my contradictions and serious past, or prevent future difficulties. Therefore, astrology plays an important part in the lives of people.

Q: Describe some of the superstitions still current in our country. How do they affect the lives of those who believe in them?

Ans: In the past, people believed in the signs of good or bad luck. They were afraid of evil spirits, broken mirrors and the number 13. Even today there are people who do not go on a journey on certain days. Some people cut off their journey if a black cat crosses their way. They believe that a guest will come if a crow caws on the wall of their house. Superstitions like these are still common in our society. These cause undue fears sometime.



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