Chapter 5 "DAFFODILS" Questions and Answers class 9 | English

Chapter 5 "DAFFODILS" Questions and Answers For class 9 | English




Q: How do you compare the daffodils with the stars?

Ans: In the poem "daffodils," William Wordsworth compares the daffodils to the stars to convey the vastness and beauty of the daffodil field. He describes the daffodils as being "continuous as the stars that shine," suggesting that they are numerous and spread out in a seemingly endless line. This comparison adds to the sense of grandeur and wonder that the speaker experiences upon seeing the daffodils and helps to emphasize the beauty and abundance of the natural world.

Additionally, the comparison between the daffodils and the stars may suggest a sense of timelessness and permanence, as both the stars and the daffodils are seen as enduring and constant in the sky and on the earth, respectively. This adds to the sense of the speaker's experience with the daffodils as being transformative and enduring and suggests that the beauty and joy of the natural world can have a lasting impact on our emotions and mood.

Q: How does the poet feel in the company of daffodils?

Ans: In the poem, "Daffodils", the speaker feels uplifted and inspired in the company of the daffodils. The daffodils are described as being lively and joyful, and the speaker notes that they could not help but feel happy and gay in their presence. The speaker also describes their heart as filling with pleasure and dancing with the daffodils, suggesting that the experience brings them a sense of joy and happiness.

Overall, the speaker's encounter with the daffodils is depicted as a transformative and uplifting experience, one that brings them joy and inspiration and helps to alleviate their initial feeling of loneliness and aimlessness. The daffodils serve as a reminder of the beauty and joy of the natural world, and their presence brings the speaker a sense of connection and purpose.


Q: What is the central idea of the poem?

Ans: The central idea of the poem "Daffodils" by William Wordsworth is the transformative power of the natural world and the enduring impact of beauty and joy on the human experience. The poem describes the speaker's encounter with a field of daffodils, which are described as being abundant, vibrant, and joyful. The speaker's encounter with the daffodils is depicted as a transformative and uplifting experience, one that brings them joy and inspiration and helps to alleviate their initial feeling of loneliness and aimlessness.

Throughout the poem, Wordsworth uses various figurative language techniques, such as personification, metaphor, and imagery, to convey the speaker's emotions and experiences in a more vivid and evocative way. He also uses sound effects, such as alliteration, onomatopoeia, and assonance, to add rhythm and musicality to the poem.

Overall, the central idea of the poem is that the natural world can bring beauty, joy, and inspiration to our lives and that these experiences can have a lasting impact on our moods and emotions. The poem encourages the reader to seek out and appreciate the beauty and joy of the natural world, and to recognize the value and importance of these experiences in our lives.

Q: What do the daffodils represent in the poem?

Ans: In the poem "Daffodils" by William Wordsworth, the daffodils are a symbol of joy and beauty. The poem describes the speaker's experience of seeing a field of daffodils, which brings them great joy and a sense of spiritual uplift. The daffodils are described as "dancing" and "fluttering and dancing" in the breeze, which adds to their sense of movement and vitality. The speaker of the poem also describes how they were inspired by a "host" of golden daffodils waving in the breeze along the shore of a lake. The sight of the daffodils fills the speaker with a sense of happiness and contentment, and they describe the experience as "heavenly touches." In this way, the daffodils represent the power of nature to bring joy and happiness to people's lives, and how it can lift their spirits and bring them a sense of peace and contentment who can appreciate it. 

Q: What "wealth" do memories of the scene give to the poet?

Ans: Speaker describes the memories of the daffodils as bringing them "wealth." The speaker is using "wealth" in a more metaphorical sense to refer to the emotional and psychological benefits that the memories of the daffodils bring to them.

For example, the speaker notes that the memories of the daffodils fill their heart with pleasure and make them feel as if they are dancing with the daffodils once more. This suggests that the memories bring the speaker a sense of joy and happiness, and provide them with a sense of connection to the natural world. Additionally, the speaker notes that the memories of the daffodils are a source of inspiration and solace, and help to alleviate their feelings of loneliness and aimlessness.

Overall, it seems that the speaker views the memories of the daffodils as a source of emotional wealth, one that brings them joy, inspiration, and a sense of connection to the beauty of the natural world.

Q: List the word that heightens the sound effect in the poem.

Ans: In his poem, William Wordsworth uses various words and techniques to create sound effects that enhance the meaning and impact of the poem. Here are a few examples of words and techniques that contribute to the sound effects in the poem:

Alliteration: Wordsworth uses alliteration, or the repetition of the same sound at the beginning of multiple words, to create a sense of unity and flow in the poem. For example, he repeats the "d" sound in the phrases "daffodils," "dancing," and "dances."

Onomatopoeia: Wordsworth uses onomatopoeia or words that mimic or suggest the source of the sound they represent, to create a sense of movement and action. For example, he uses the word "dancing" to describe the movement of the daffodils, and the word "fluttering" to describe the movement of their petals in the breeze.

Assonance: Wordsworth uses assonance, or the repetition of vowel sounds in nearby words, to create a sense of rhyme and musicality in the poem. For example, he repeats the long "i" sound in the words "shine" and "dance," and the short "a" sound in the words "dance" and "flash."

Overall, Wordsworth's use of sound effects helps to add rhythm and musicality to the poem and helps to convey the speaker's emotions and experiences more vividly and memorably.

Q: How has the poet heightened the impact of the poem by using figurative language?

Ans: William Wordsworth uses various figurative language techniques in his poem "Daffodils" to heighten the impact of the poem and convey the speaker's emotions and experiences in a more vivid and evocative way. Here are a few examples of how Wordsworth uses figurative language in the poem:

Personification: Wordsworth personifies the daffodils, describing them as "dancing" and "tossing their heads" in a sprightly dance. This gives the daffodils a sense of liveliness and agency, making them seem more like beings rather than simply inanimate objects.

Metaphor: Wordsworth uses the metaphor of the speaker being "lonely as a cloud" to describe their feeling of isolation and aimlessness. This metaphor helps to convey the speaker's emotional state more vividly and memorably.

Imagery: Wordsworth uses vivid imagery to describe the daffodils and the natural setting in which they are located. For example, he describes the daffodils as "golden" and "fluttering and dancing in the breeze," creating a sense of colour and movement.

Overall, Wordsworth's use of figurative language helps to enrich the meaning of the poem and adds depth and emotional impact to the speaker's experiences and observations. It allows the reader to more fully understand and relate to the speaker's emotions and the beauty of the natural world.


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