Plane waves in the ripple tank undergo refraction when they move from deep to shallow water. What change occurs in the speed of the waves?

Q: Plane waves in the ripple tank undergo refraction when they move from deep to shallow water. What change occurs in the speed of the waves?

Ans: We know the relation
      It clearly shows if frequency increases then wavelength decreases because the product is constant that is velocity. Velocity is constant until the medium is constant.

Changes in speed:

       When water waves enter the region of shallow water their wavelength decreases, and then their speed also decreases. But the frequency of the water waves remains the same in both parts of water because it is equal to the frequency of the vibrator.


Ripple tank speed of waves Plane waves in the ripple tank undergo refraction when they move from deep to shallow water. What change occurs in the speed of the waves?

Further Explanation:

When a plane wave in the ripple tank moves from deep to shallow water, its speed will decrease. This is because the speed of a wave is directly related to the properties of the medium through which it is travelling. In general, waves travel more slowly through denser or more viscous materials. As the water becomes shallower, it becomes less dense and more viscous, causing the wave to slow down.

This decrease in speed will cause the wave to undergo refraction, or the bending of its path as it changes direction. When a wave undergoes refraction, the angle at which it enters the new medium will be different from the angle at which it leaves the medium. This change in angle is caused by the change in speed and is known as the angle of refraction.

Overall, when a plane wave in the ripple tank moves from deep to shallow water, its speed will decrease and it will undergo refraction as it changes direction.


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