Summary of " Peace" by "Silvia Hartmann" for Class 10 DOWNLOAD





             "Peace" is a poem that uses a single metaphor to explore the dual nature of the wind. In the poem, the wind is personified both as a demon and as a lover. The first stanza of the poem describes the wind in its destructive form, as a storm that smashes and destroys everything in its path. It is depicted as a force that demolishes trees, fields, and buildings, and sends the debris spinning through the air. The wind is described as being full of rage and as screaming in a whiny voice.

In contrast, the second stanza of the poem describes the wind in its more peaceful form, as a gentle and cool breeze that brings life and joy to everything it touches. It is depicted as imparting sweet sensations to buds, birds, and humans, and as making everything feel quiet and calm. The poem suggests that, while the wind can bring disaster in its stormy form, it is only by experiencing it that we can truly appreciate the peace that lies at its core. The idea is that, even in times of chaos and turmoil, there is a deeper sense of stillness and tranquillity that lies at the heart of things.

Intermediate Level SUMMARY

                   "The Peace" is a poem by Silvia Hartmann that explores the dual nature of the wind and the idea that, even in times of chaos and turmoil, there is a sense of peace and calm that lies at the heart of things. The poem begins by describing the wind as a formidable force of destruction, characterized as a monster that wreaks havoc on everything in its path. It smashes and tears apart man's work, sending it flying in all directions and raking it from the valleys. This depiction of the wind as a destructive force serves to convey the sense of chaos and turmoil that it can bring.

However, the poem also suggests that this destructive power is not the true essence of the wind. In the second stanza, the wind is personified as a lover who whispers heartfelt feelings into the ears of his beloved. This characterization serves to contrast with the destructive power of the wind in the first stanza and to suggest that there is a deeper sense of peace and intimacy associated with the wind when it is still. The imagery of the bright blue skies and the gentle whispers that are heard far away in the distance also contribute to this sense of peace and calm, suggesting that, even in times of chaos and turmoil, there is a deeper sense of stillness and tranquillity that lies at the heart of things.

Overall, "The Peace" is a thought-provoking poem that uses vivid imagery and powerful metaphors to explore the dual nature of reality and the enduring nature of peace and calm, even in the midst of chaos. It speaks to the idea that, despite the struggles and challenges we face in life, there is always a sense of peace and stillness that lies at the core of our existence.

Extraordinary Level SUMMARY

                  "The Peace" is a poem by Silvia Hartmann that explores the dual nature of the wind and the idea that, even in times of chaos and turmoil, there is a sense of peace and calm that lies at the heart of things. This idea is reminiscent of Nietzsche's philosophy, which emphasizes the importance of accepting and embracing both the good and the bad aspects of life. According to Nietzsche, it is only by embracing the full range of human experience that we can truly live a fulfilling and meaningful life.

The poem begins by describing the wind as a formidable force of destruction, characterized as a monster that wreaks havoc on everything in its path. It smashes and tears apart man's work, sending it flying in all directions and raking it from the valleys and the vales. This depiction of the wind as a destructive force serves to convey the sense of chaos and turmoil that it can bring.

However, the poem also suggests that this destructive power is not the true essence of the wind. In the second stanza, the wind is personified as a lover who whispers heartfelt feelings into the ears of his beloved. This characterization serves to contrast with the destructive power of the wind in the first stanza and to suggest that there is a deeper sense of peace and intimacy associated with the wind when it is still. The imagery of the bright blue skies and the gentle whispers that are heard far away in the distance also contribute to this sense of peace and calm, suggesting that, even in times of chaos and turmoil, there is a deeper sense of stillness and tranquillity that lies at the heart of things.

Overall, "The Peace" is a thought-provoking poem that uses vivid imagery and powerful metaphors to explore the dual nature of reality and the enduring nature of peace and calm, even in the midst of chaos. It speaks to Nietzsche's philosophy that it is only by embracing both the good and the bad aspects of life that we can truly live a fulfilling and meaningful life.


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  1. why there is not out standing summary too...just like the other two poems

  2. can someone suggest me some websites...for studies help???

    1. for english for past papers

  3. Nothing special just waste of time

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